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4-4-2015 American Pale Ale

4-4-2015 American Pale Ale


  A great crowd pleaser, enjoyed by the craft beer fanatic and the novice.  You can use this recipe as a template to brew with whatever hops you may want.


1 lb US 20L Crystal  ( anywhere from .5 lb to 1 lb, 10L to 60L) 


6 lb Briess Golden Dried Malt Extract


60min: 1 oz Centennial (or about 10 HBU's)

20min: Whirlflooc Tablet or Irish Moss

15min: 1 oz Cascade (or 1 oz of any choice hop)

5min: 1 oz Willamette (or 1 oz of any choice hop)


Fermentis US-05 (Really any yeast works well, mix it up)

Dry Hop:

.5 oz Cascade Leaf Hop (any leaf hop works, added directly to the secondary fermentor, just before racking)